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Barbara Comstock is Not Anywhere Close to as Bipartisan as Her New Ad Claims

And she is not the moderate she says she is

In what appears to be a failed attempt at irony, “bipartisan” is Barbara Comstock’s favorite word this cycle. In her new ad, Comstock again claims that she is a bipartisan legislator who is willing to cross the aisle, yet she has very little record to show for it.  Here’s why:

  • Transportation:  Barbara Comstock was one of nine Republicans to vote against a bipartisan bill to fund transportation in the state legislature, opposing the “most important state legislation in more than a quarter century …[and]…thumbing their noses at the first politically feasible solution to rush hour misery,” according to Washington Post.
  • And there’s more: Barbara Comstock actually brags about this vote in a recent ad, where she hypocritically misuses the ad to attack her opponent on the transportation bill that is now deemed a wild success for Northern Virginia and one Comstock now conveniently celebrates and promotes.
  • Women’s Health: While Barbara Comstock is notably opposed to Roe v. Wade, she took her opposition to women’s health to the extreme by voting to mandate invasive transvaginal ultrasounds for women seeking abortions.
  • And there’s more: Comstock has voted five times to defund Planned Parenthood, potentially shutting down the government over funding for the organization that provides health services to women.
  • Equal Pay for Women: The 10th District has the highest wage gap between men and women in Virginia, yet this isn’t enough for Comstock to make an effort at bipartisanship.  She has voted repeatedly against equal pay for women and families, calling equal pay measures part of a “left wing agenda.”
  • Immigration: As recently as last month, Barbara Comstock made clear that she does not support comprehensive immigration reform. And there’s more:
  • Comstock said she would have voted for the rare, historic vote to send an amicus brief to Supreme Court against President Obama’s immigration actions.
  • Comstock voted against allowing American immigrants to serve in the military and obtain citizenship.
  • Comstock compared immigrants to FedEx packages: saying “FedEx can track packages coming in here all of the time, we can track people who are coming into the country…”

“Not only has Barbara Comstock voted with the most reckless Republican Congressional leadership in history 90 percent of the time, throughout her career Comstock has supported extreme measures and voted against a number of bipartisan solutions,” said Jermaine House of the DCCC.

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