John Lee
Nevada’s 4th (NV - 04)
Updated: August 19, 2024
Candidate CPP:
Las Vegas: $418
Voters in Nevada need to know who will deliver results for families across the state. Steven Horsford knows the value of hard work and has a track record of working with both parties to get big things done for Nevadans. He’s taken on the drug companies, helping lower drug prices and capping the price of insulin for seniors at $35. Meanwhile, his opponent, John Lee, is an extreme MAGA Republican who would vote for a national abortion ban and puts wealthy special interests and donors ahead of Nevadans.
Voters need to see ads in English and Spanish on Las Vegas broadcast and satellite and on streaming and digital platforms district-wide that:
- John Lee calls himself “a 1950s guy” and opposes a woman’s right to have an abortion. Lee said he prayed for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and that he will never compromise on his pro-life values, saying he would shut down Planned Parenthood in Nevada, putting Nevadans’ access to birth control at risk. Lee supports allowing politicians to ban abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest, and would vote for a national abortion ban that would eliminate abortion rights here in Nevada.
- While Nevadans are facing tough economic decisions on a daily basis, John Lee wants to cut benefits to give tax breaks to the wealthy. John Lee is supported by Republicans in Washington who proposed to cut Social Security by $1.5 trillion, increase the retirement age to 69, and make huge cuts in Medicare. Their plan will use these cuts to give tax breaks to corporations and wealthy individuals.
Voters need to also see ads in English and Spanish on Las Vegas broadcast and satellite and on streaming and digital platforms district-wide that:
- Steven Horsford has always taken on greedy corporations and powerful special interests to lower costs and make things easier on hardworking Nevadans. He’s taken on big drug companies to lower drug prices and cap the price of insulin at $35/month. He wrote the law to crack down on greedy corporate real estate speculators to lower rents and housing prices.
Additional Resources
- {Backup}
- Hispanic voters need to see ads in English and Spanish.
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