Monique DeSpain
Oregon’s 4th (OR - 04)
Updated: August 22, 2024
Candidate CPP:
Eugene – $ 80, 88% of OR-04
Portland – $ 1,037, 8% of OR-04
There is a clear contrast in this race. Working families need an advocate focused on real solutions for Oregonians, not on delivering wins for MAGA extremists. Monique DeSpain is a right wing lobbyist who was handpicked by Republican extremists to be a rubber stamp for their MAGA agenda. Working families can’t trust Monique DeSpain to fight for them.
Voters should see ads in the Eugene broadcast market, Eugene, Portland, and Medford cable markets, and on streaming and digital district wide that:
- Monique DeSpain celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade and is backed by Republican extremists in Washington DC who want to pass a national abortion ban, making it illegal in every state even in cases of rape, incest and to save the life of the woman.
- Monique DeSpain was a lobbyist within a right-wing coalition that has included the Freedom Foundation, Oregon Family Council, and Oregon Right to Life. The coalition’s groups have supported tax breaks for corporations and the wealthiest 5% of Oregonians, restricting access to abortions, banning gay marriage, and undermining workers organizing for higher pay in Oregon.
Non-college educated voters are a priority audience and should hear messages about kitchen table issues, like lowering costs and increasing access to healthcare.
- In Congress, Val Hoyle has worked across party lines to preserve, protect and expand Social Security and Medicare and she is fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs and bring down prices for families by taking on corporations who price gouge consumers.
Additional Resources
- {Backup}
- “I was very pleased with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Dobbs decision to return the regulation of reproductive health care to the state. “
- “Speaker Johnson, Leader Scalise, Whip Emmer, and Chairwoman Elise Stefanik have been very supportive and eager to get me out there to provide reinforcement on these values and issues of the day.”
- DeSpain said she was “picked” by MAGA Republicans to provide “reinforcements.”
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