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Anna Paulina Luna Wastes More Taxpayer Time, Ignores Finding Solutions to Real-World Problems

Yesterday, Anna Paulina Luna voted to attack federal law enforcement as part of another sham, conspiracy-ridden investigation, wasting taxpayer money while ignoring the needs of everyday Floridians.

Rather than fixing the broken immigration system or working to lower costs for hardworking families, House Republicans are targeting the politically-independent Attorney General to boost MAGA conspiracy theories.

Recent polling shows over three in five voters nationwide disapprove of House Republicans because they are focused on the wrong issues.  

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Anna Paulina Luna has totally given up on delivering for everyday Floridians. Instead of finding bipartisan solutions to the problems facing our nation, Luna is too busy targeting our law enforcement agencies to prop up Donald Trump. Shame on her.”


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