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Comstock Endorses “David Duke without the Baggage”

“David Duke without the baggage” is how Congressman Steve Scalise described himself. Scalise even spoke before a white-supremacist group.

Yet this is the caliber of a leader Virginia Congresswoman Barbara Comstock endorsed today for Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Apparently, Congresswoman Comstock sees no problem with throwing her support behind a Congressman with a history of connections to racist groups and white supremacist leaders.

“Comstock shows just how out of touch she is with voters in Northern Virginia when she endorses a man who has likened himself to David Duke,” said Jermaine House of DCCC. “This endorsement is insensitive to her diverse constituency in Northern Virginia, much like her crass remarks likening our nation’s immigrants to FedEx packages, and her vote to keep the Confederate flag on display at the Capitol.”

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