With less than three weeks until Election Day, the DCCC is launching its first Get Out The Vote television ad for the 2016 cycle in Spanish starting today in the San Antonio media market. The ad links Donald Trump’s plans for massive deportations to Will Hurd’s efforts to deport DREAMers. The ad also urges Hispanic voters to take a stand, reject the Trump-Hurd ticket and their anti-Hispanic agenda by voting for Pete Gallego.
With more than 27 million registered Hispanic voters, this group will clearly play an important role in the outcome of this election, and in the case for Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, with a nearly 70 percent Hispanic population, they will be the deciding factor of who wins the district.
“Donald Trump launched his presidential bid attacking Mexican immigrants, and Will Hurd did absolutely nothing to stand up for Hispanics living in his district,” said Javier Gamboa of the DCCC. “As early vote in Texas starts next week, this Spanish-language ad, the first ‘Get Out the Vote’ ad of the 2016 cycle, is an important reminder that Will Hurd is much closer to Trump than he would have you believe.”
We Are More
Narrator: We know that Donald Trump and Will Hurd do not stand with our community.
Narrator: Trump wants to deport 11 million immigrants, and Hurd voted to throw DREAMers out of the country.
Narrator: But we are better than those dangerous ideas. We are more than 50 million Hispanics here in the United States. More than 27 million voters.
Narrator: Now more than ever, we have to make use of the power of our vote to stand up to Trump and Hurd
Narrator: Let’s vote for Pete Gallego.
Narrator: DCCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.