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DCCC Releases New Ad – ‘Big One’– Highlighting How Millionaire Stewart Mills III Would Leave Middle Class on the Hook

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching its second television ad in Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District, highlighting how Millionaire Stewart Mills III will leave the middle class on the hook because he opposed tax cuts for the middle class, even while he supports giving another huge tax break to millionaires like himself. The ad starts running today.

Script of DCCC IE Ad “Big One”

It’s not your typical fish story…

Stewart Mills III caught a big inheritance and a job at the family business that pays half a million a year.

But in Congress, Mills will leave you on the hook for higher taxes because Mills opposed tax cuts for the middle class even as he wants to give another huge tax break to millionaires like himself.

With Stewart Mills, there’s always a catch.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


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