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DCCC Releases New Ad – ‘Not Workin’’ – Highlighting How Evan Jenkins Stands Up For Billionaires and Not Working Families

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is releasing a new television ad in West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District. The ad, “Not Workin’,”features a testimonial from a West Virginia coal miner, who highlights how Evan Jenkins is being propped up by billionaire, New York City puppet masters who don’t care about West Virginia – and how Jenkins will push their agenda in Congress at the expense of West Virginia’s working families.

The spot will begin airing today.


Brian: We build a bond between each other. Around here in the coalfields if you’re not coal mining or railroading, you’re not working.

The Koch brothers coming in here from New York, spending millions trying to elect Evan Jenkins.

They’re not welcome, they don’t belong.

They don’t care not one bit about West Virginia or our coal miners or our families.

More profit for them, less taxes for them, but they’re going to put the burden on us the middle class. Just isn’t right.

Evan Jenkins stands up for his billionaire friends, not us.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertisement.


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