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DCCC Releases New Spanish Radio Ad – ‘Equality’ – Highlighting the Stark Choice between Julia Brownley and Jeff Gorell

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching its first Spanish radio ad in California’s 26th Congressional District, highlighting voters’ stark choice between Julia Brownley, who will fight for equality, and lobbyist Jeff Gorell, who opposes equal pay for equal work. The ad, “Equality,” contrasts Brownley’s record of standing up for Ventura County women against Gorell’s anti-women record of refusing to support the Violence Against Women Act, equal pay for equal work, and allowing insurance companies to deny women coverage for important preventative health services.


Script of DCCC IE Ad “Equality”

This November 4th we have the opportunity to choose between two very different candidates to represent us in Congress.

Democrat Julia Brownley has fought to protect the rights of women to live a healthy life.

The other candidate? Ex-Lobbyist Jeff Gorell would let insurance companies deny women coverage for family planning and other important preventive health services.

Julia Brownley is a strong advocate for victims of domestic violence and is standing up for equal pay for working women.

Jeff Gorell? He refused to support the Violence Against Women Act and refused to support women getting equal pay for equal work.

Now more than ever, we need leaders in Congress who will fight for us. This November 4th, vote for equality. VOTE FOR JULIA BROWNLEY.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Script of DCCC IE Ad “Equality”

Este 4 de noviembre, tenemos la oportunidad de escoger entre dos candidatos muy distintos para representarnos en el Congreso.

La demócrata Julia Brownley ha luchado por proteger los derechos de las mujeres a una vida saludable.

¿El otro candidato?  Ex-lobbyista Jeff Gorell permitiría que las compañías aseguradoras nieguen cobertura a las mujeres para planificación familiar y otros importantes servicios preventivos.

Julia Brownley es una fuerte defensora de víctimas de violencia doméstica y aboga por la igualdad de pago para las mujeres trabajadoras.

¿Jeff Gorell?  Se negó a apoyar la Ley sobre la Violencia contra las Mujeres, y se negó a apoyar que las mujeres reciban igual salario por igual trabajo.

Ahora más que nunca, necesitamos líderes en el Congreso que lucharán por nosotros.  Este 4 de noviembre, vota por igualdad.  VOTA POR JULIA BROWNLEY.

Pagado por el Comité de la Campaña Demócrata del Congreso, quien es responsable del contenido de este anuncio.  No autorizado por ningún candidato ni comité de un candidato. 


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