News · Press Release

DCCC Releases New TV Ad – ‘Yes Man’ – Exposing John Katko’s Agenda to Ban Abortion and Deny Women Access to Birth Control

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching a new television advertisement in New York’s 24th Congressional district, exposing John Katko as a “yes man” for John Boehner and Republicans in Congress. The new ad, “Yes Man,” highlights John Katko’s agenda to ban abortions and deny women access to birth control. The ad begins running on broadcast and cable television in the district today.

Script of DCCC Ad “Yes Man”


John Katko.

He’s a “yes man” for Speaker John Boehner and Republicans in Congress.  Giving them everything they want.

Katko wants to ban abortions.

And he wants to deny women access to common forms of birth control.

That’s right, Katko even said denying women access to contraception is the “right decision.”

John Katko.  A “yes man” for Republicans in Congress.

But not New York values.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. 


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