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DCCC targets Rep. Mast and his campaign’s lie in digital ad buy ahead of town hall

Today, the DCCC launched a significant digital ad buy in FL-18 targeting persuadable voters. The ad highlights Representative Mast and his campaign’s lie about their use of information stolen by Russian hackers.


The ad-buy is timed to turn out voters to the town hall Rep. Mast’s voters pushed him to hold. 


“When he had the chance to tell the truth about his campaign’s use of stolen information from Russian hackers, Congressman Mast and his campaign lied,” said Cole Leiter, DCCC spokesperson. “Now he’ll have to answer to his voters face-to-face at the town hall they demanded. People in South Florida expect they can count on their representative to be on their side, but so far in this ordeal Congressman Mast has failed that test.”


Facebook ad copy:


Rep. Mast LIED about his campaign’s use of data from Russian hackers

If he lied about this – what else could he be lying about?

Demand the truth, face to face – pledge to attend Rep. Mast’s town hall tonight!


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