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LOST LAURIE: What District Am I Even Running In?

Laurie Buckhout: “You’ve got Raleigh, you’ve got Norfolk, and then you have… um… Rocky Mount? Greenville? Yeah… close enough…”

After a decade in Virginia, it’s understandable that Laurie Buckhout is a little lost in the North Carolina district she recently started calling home.

In an embarrassing on-camera moment, Buckhout’s lack of local knowledge was on full display. She couldn’t even name the media markets in North Carolina’s First Congressional District – and when someone from the audience had to remind Buckhout which communities she claims to want to represent, she downplayed the correction, saying “Yeah close enough, there’s a lot going on out there.”

Buckhout is no match for local, eastern North Carolina native and hometown leader Don Davis, who is known and trusted in his community. Meanwhile Buckhout is apparently still learning about the district and shrugging off information she doesn’t care to learn.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen: 
“North Carolinians can spot a phony from a mile away, but Lost Laurie Buckhout’s embarrassing cluelessness doesn’t even make it a challenge.”


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