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NEW: Mayra Flores Features “9/11 Conspiracy Theorist in South Texas Ads”

Mayra Flores and the NRCC’s latest ad platforms a self proclaimed “conspiracy theorist” and 9/11 truther — and he’s proudly standing by his posts. 

Flores’ new ad centers around Brownsville business owner Ruben Guerrero, whose bigoted and ugly social media history was exposed in new reporting from the Texas Tribune.

Guerrero has called 9/11 “the biggest inside job in history … until COVID,” alleged that Michelle Obama is secretly a man, and ridiculed Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw for losing his right eye serving in Afghanistan. When contacted by the Texas Tribune, Guerrero proudly defended his views, stating, “I post a lot, as you can tell.”

Vicente Gonzalez: “Not only was their ad full of lies, but their actor is a 9/11 conspiracist who insulted my colleague Dan Crenshaw, a decorated Navy Seal veteran — it’s amateur hour over there.”

Mayra Flores is trying her hardest to duck blame for platforming such an unapologetic extremist, but it’s particularly difficult to avoid responsibility when she can’t feign ignorance — “Flores follows Guerrero’s Instagram.” 

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Platforming crass and unapologetic 9/11 conspiracy theories might be a new low for Mayra Flores, but after voters booted her from office in 2022, she’s clearly just throwing anything at the wall to see what might stick. South Texan families deserve so much better, which is why they’re sticking with Vicente Gonzalez.”

The Texas Tribune: Republicans feature 9/11 conspiracy theorist in South Texas ads
Matthew Choi | September 20, 2024

  • The South Texas man at the center of a new ad attacking U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez is a self proclaimed “conspiracy theorist” who has spread theories on social media about 9/11 and the COVID pandemic and mocked both Michelle Obama and a Republican congressman.

  • The ad was released this week by the National Republican Congressional Committee on behalf of former U.S. Rep. Mayra Flores, who is trying to win back the seat for the GOP.

  • Texas Congressional District 34 stretches from Brownsville to Kingsville along the state’s southeastern coast. It is one of the few competitive races in the state and a top priority for both major political parties to win.

  • The ad features Brownsville business owner Ruben Guerrero ridiculing Gonzalez, a McAllen Democrat, for pushing “sex changes for kids” over caring about the economy. The ad is part of an $800,000 ad reservation in the South Texas market to be broadcast in both English and Spanish. Guerrero’s voice was also featured in a radio ad by the NRCC.

  • Gonzalez, a moderate Democrat, has denied supporting tax-funded gender transition surgeries for minors.

  • Guerrero posted memes on Instagram calling 9/11 “the biggest inside job in history … until COVID,” ridiculing former First Lady Michelle Obama as secretly a man, and mocking U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s eyepatch, which he wears after losing his right eye serving in Afghanistan.

  • Crenshaw is a Houston Republican. His office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  • Flores’ campaign, which was not involved in the creation of the ad, distanced her from Guerrero’s social media. Flores follows Guerrero’s Instagram.

  • Guerrero is not the first conspiracy theorist to be featured in a congressional ad this year. A Republican running in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District, another top target for Republicans this year, has also been criticized for spotlighting a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

  • To be sure, Guerrero’s social media influence is small. He has about 1,700 followers on Instagram. When contacted by The Texas Tribune, Guerrero stood by his social media posts.

  • “I’m a conspiracy theorist that’s almost batting .400,” he said in a telephone interview before insisting guidance given during the COVID-19 pandemic was wrong.

  • When asked about the meme mocking Crenshaw’s eye patch, Guerrero said he couldn’t recall his reasoning behind posting the meme, but said that Republicans “are not all equal,” suggesting that Crenshaw is a Republican in name only.

  • “I post a lot, as you can tell,” he said.

  • Gonzalez criticized the attacks as misrepresenting his stances.

  • “Not only was their ad full of lies, but their actor is a 9/11 conspiracist who insulted my colleague Dan Crenshaw, a decorated Navy Seal veteran — it’s amateur hour over there,” Gonzalez said in a statement.


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