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QUICK CLIP: Chairman Israel: Democrats Double Down on Middle Class Focus

On MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart this morning DCCC Chairman Steve Israel emphasized Democrats’ focus on middle class families in a tough midterm election environment.

On Democrats putting the middle class first, Chairman Israel said: “Democrats beat Republicans on virtually every issue of middle class security. The fact that a woman should be the paid the same as a man for equal work, allowing middle class families to refinance their college debt. The difficulty we’ve had, admittedly, it’s difficult to break through on those issues where Democrats win when those global issues are dominating the news cycle. So we’ve adjusted by going trench warfare, trench by trench precinct by precinct, house by house, talking to voters about the facts that Democrats have their backs while Republicans in the House of Representatives stacked the deck against them to protect the special interests.”

On the tough midterm environment, Chairman Israel said: “In any president’s second midterm election, the president’s party loses seats. The historic average is 29 seats – even Ronald Reagan at the height of his popularity in his second midterm, he lost seats. It’s kind of natural. History says that the president’s party has tough terrain.”


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