DREAM Act opponent Darrell Issa is at it again, attacking DREAMers and their families. This time it was during an interview where he once again said that he would not support the bipartisan DREAM Act because “it goes too far” and then bizarrely blamed DACA recipients’ parents by suggesting they were the “victimizers” of their children for wanting to give them a better life.
Issa did not stop there – suggesting that we should rip families apart by allowing DREAMers to remain in this country while deporting their parents. There are approximately 1,800 DACA recipients in California’s 49th Congressional District.
“Darrell Issa couldn’t be any more cruel and tone deaf at a moment when so many DREAMers and their families are worried sick that they will be ripped apart,” said Javier Gamboa of the DCCC. “Make no mistake: Issa’s constituents know that he stands on the wrong side of history and they will hold him accountable at the ballot box next November.”
Yet again, this shouldn’t surprise us, Darell Issa has a long track record of wanting to deport DREAMers:
- Issa voted F–I–V–E! times to end DACA.
- Issa voted against the DREAM Act in the first place.
- Issa appeared at an anti-immigrant hate group in June
- Issa co-sponsored bill to end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants.