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Mia Love Campaign Blowing Through Cash in Face of Strong McAdams Challenge & Ethical Concerns

Yesterday, Mia Love declared that she’d raised $745k in the first quarter of the year – a big number! Sounds like someone got the memo from NRCC Chairman Steve Stivers that complacency could cost incumbent Republicans their seats in 2018. Unfortunately for Congresswoman Mia Love, it looks like she didn’t read the memo all the way through – she blew through an eye-popping 60% of the cash she raised in the quarter, much like how her votes are slated to blow up the federal deficit. Conversely, challenger Mayor Ben McAdams actually narrowed the congresswoman’s lead in cash on hand to only $50,000 after a stellar fundraising quarter and just six months in the race.

Among some notable disbursements from Love’s campaign this quarter are mounting legal expenses, incurred while multiple ethics challenges were filed against her campaign. Love has drawn negative press attention in the past for excessive campaign expenditures at Disneyworld, on what her campaign claimed were ‘fundraising events.’ DCCC spokesperson Drew Godinich released the following statement:

“Rep Mia Love is blowing through campaign cash even faster than she’s blowing through our tax dollars to run up the federal debt. While Mia Love is dealing with mounting ethical problems, racking up expenses on legal fees, and taking ‘fundraising’ trips to Disneyworld, Ben McAdams is building momentum and a campaign that can win this seat in November.”

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