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🚨RATINGS CHANGE🚨: Inside Elections Shifts PA-10 Towards Democrats

Inside Elections: “National Democrats are taking a real swing at Perry […], and party strategists believe former WGAL anchor Janelle Stelson is the candidate to take on the former Freedom Caucus chairman.”

Inside Elections wrote Janelle Stelson is “beginning to flex some financial muscle over the cash-strapped Perry, laying down a $1.6 million ad buy for September and October while the DCCC chips in another $800,000.”

Today, the non-partisan election forecaster Inside Elections moved Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District from “Lean Republican” to “Tilt Republican.”

Inside Elections: Perry has reserved just $91,000 in TV ad time so far, and his allies at the Club for Growth and Freedom Caucus will spend another $250,000 on his behalf. House Majority PAC, the Democratic super PAC, is poised to spend $2.4 million against Perry in August.

Democratic polling has this race tied, or even with Stelson slightly ahead. Move from Lean Republican to Tilt Republican.

Scott Perry’s long record of working to roll back Pennsylvanians’ fundamental freedoms, paired with Janelle Stelson’s high name ID and the “trust she built up in the area over 20 years as a nonpartisan journalist,” is making this Perry’s toughest race yet. 

DCCC Spokesperson Aidan Johnson:
“Scott Perry represents the worst of politics, and his dangerous agenda is too extreme for Central Pennsylvanians. Janelle Stelson has the public trust and a Pennsylvania-first, independent message to make her case to voters, which is why she’ll win in November.”


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