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Ryan Zinke’s March Toward a Nationwide Abortion Ban: Restricting Service Members’ Access to Reproductive Care

Today, Ryan Zinke voted in favor of new nationwide restrictions on abortion and health care access for more than 350,000 active duty women.

House Republicans’ Defense spending bill includes extreme restrictions to prevent military personnel from traveling to seek reproductive health care, effectively blocking service members and their families from accessing vital health care services.

Zinke’s vote to force anti-abortion policy into must-pass legislation is the latest example of his constant push towards a national abortion ban. 

This is the second national abortion restriction Zinke has voted for in committee in the past month. He also voted for restrictions on abortion access for veterans and other VA beneficiaries in the Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs funding bill.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
“Ryan Zinke is running back the exact same extreme playbook – pushing dangerous attacks on reproductive freedoms. It is abundantly clear that their goal remains a national abortion ban.”


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