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Steve Knight and Donald Trump Agree: Who Cares About Victims of the Foreclosure Crisis?

Reminder of Knight’s Porter Ranch Negligence

To the surprise of no one, Donald Trump doubled down on his comments cheerleading the 2008 housing market crash. Slightly less surprising is that Trump’s heartless comments reflect a similar sentiment from vulnerable Congressman Steve Knight.

In 2008, as our economy spiraled into the worst recession since the Great Depression, Knight was asked if we should help people forced to default on subprime mortgages.

Knight said, “I don’t support bailing out people who made a bad decision.”

There seems to be a trend: Knight’s reluctance to help victims of the housing crisis sounds a lot like his negligence during the Porter Ranch leak last year. Amidst the environmental disaster, Knight voted to make it more difficult for victims to file class action lawsuits, like those brought by Porter Ranch families.

“Steve Knight showed his true colors by not wanting to help victims of the housing market collapse that Donald Trump supported and possibly helped create,” said Barb Solish of the DCCC. “Knight’s Trump-like comments are disappointing but not surprising after witnessing his negligence during the Porter Ranch crisis.”

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