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This is What They Want: As Louisiana Restricts Access to Mifepristone, Speaker Johnson and House GOP Continue to Push for a National Abortion Ban

Yesterday, Speaker Johnson’s home state House of Representatives passed a bill to severely restrict access to mifepristone and other safe, effective medication abortion drugs. The bill would also criminalize and punish anyone who possessed the medication without a prescription or outside of professional practice.

Speaker Johnson has previously railed against health care workers providing mifepristone, calling them “abortion cartels,” and calling for legislation to restrict access to these medications. In Congress, House Republicans have pushed federal legislation to restrict access to medication abortion and punish doctors who perform lifesaving care like the new restrictions in Louisiana – including two national abortion bans. 

A strong majority of Americans have made it clear that abortion should be legal. More than two thirds oppose laws that restrict access to abortion medication.

DCCC Spokesperson Viet Shelton:
“Speaker Johnson and House Republicans want to pass a nationwide abortion ban, and voters across the country are seeing just how far they’ll go. What is happening in Louisiana is exactly what they have in store for the entire nation, and it’s why voters will reject Republican extremism and why Democrats will retake the majority.”


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