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Trump’s Upcoming Immigration Address is a Nightmare for Coffman

Every time Trump speaks about Colorado’s immigrant community, voters are reminded of Coffman’s own anti-immigrant record

This week Donald Trump is set to give an immigration address, which will likely be more like a barrage of loosely associated “ideas” that are both unfeasible and inhumane. And – gasp – he might even use a teleprompter! But regardless of whether or not he decides to be unscripted or scripted, Trump’s message throughout the campaign has been racist and xenophobic. Despite this fact, Congressman Mike Coffman pledged to support the Republican nominee even AFTER Trump had called Mexicans murderers and rapists (and a whole bunch of other terrible things that Coffman hadn’t found the poll numbers to rationalize speaking out against).

“Donald Trump’s decision to continue focusing his campaign on an anti-immigrant message will keep the spotlight on Mike Coffman’s own anti-immigrant record,” said DCCC Spokesman Tyler Law. “It’s pretty simple: every time Trump opens his mouth it makes it harder for Coffman to win an already uphill reelection.”

In case you missed it, here’s a good read to prepare for Donald Trump’s speech:

Latino Dems blame Mike Coffman for Trump’s rise

Colorado Independent

Democratic Latino leaders partially blame U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman for laying the ideological base for Donald Trump’s “racist” platform.

Coffman, who has endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio for president, has remained silent on whether, in a general election, he would support Trump, the GOP frontrunner, or Trump’s anti-immigrant platform, which has been embraced by the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.

Democrats and liberal groups point out Coffman’s silence is particularly deafening in a moment when Republican leaders, including Mitt Romney, have spoken against Trump and risk exploding the party trying to dethrone its frontrunner during what may be a contested national GOP convention in Cleveland.


Leading that march, as Carroll sees it, is Donald Trump, who has been blasted by leaders of both parties for stumbling on whether to disavow the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups, including Storm Front, which are championing his campaign and seeing a website traffic spike because of their endorsement of him.


Speaking Spanish doesn’t change anti-immigrant policies Coffman has supported, say community leaders like state Rep. Joe Salazar, who describes the Congressman as “xenophobic” and “racist.”

Earlier this year, Coffman came under scrutiny after The Colorado Independent broke a story that he attended the conference of ACT for America, an organization dubbed “the nation’s leading anti-Muslim hate group” by the Council on American-Muslim Relations.


One question The Independent would have asked: Did Coffman help create “the nativist, xenophobic, and racist campaign of Donald Trump,” as state Rep. Joe Salazar said in a statement released by the Carroll campaign.

Without a response from Coffman’s office, Salazar’s remarks are left to stand alone: “The fact that we have a Congressman who pals around with organizations described as hate groups and refuses to speak out against Trump’s dangerous rhetoric is really sad, and quite frankly, scary.”



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