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While Republicans Continue Efforts to Take Away Reproductive Freedoms, Voters of Color Show Strong Support For Abortion Rights

Ahead of the two year anniversary of Trump and far-right extremists successfully overturning Roe v Wade the DCCC released a memo outlining broad support from voters on the issue of abortion, with strong opposition to Republican efforts to restrict reproductive freedom. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, support for abortion rights has grown to 63% nationwide, according to public polling. This support includes strong support from AANHPI, Black, and Latino communities.

Public polling shows that 76% of Asian voters support keeping abortion legal in all or most cases – AAPI women in particular are highly motivated to vote against GOP attacks on abortion rights. 1 in 4 Black voters say abortion is the most important issue to their vote and 73% of Black voters believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Similarly, 68% of U.S. Latinos oppose abortion bans and view Democrats as more trusted on abortion issues by a 19-point margin.

While Republicans continue their flailing attempts to woo voters of color, including by closing down their “outreach” centers, it’s clear that AANHPI, Black, and Latino voters reject Republican efforts to take away people’s freedoms. 

Since the first days of their majority, House Republicans have passed at least four anti-abortion measures targeting everything from doctors who perform abortions to reproductive care for members of the armed services. They have introduced multiple federal abortion bans – including the Life at Conception Act, which would ban abortion and IVF nationwide. This extremism will cost House Republicans their majority in November.

DCCC Spokesperson José Muñoz: 
“Voters of color like their freedoms, including the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies. On the flip side, MAGA Republicans seem to only care about taking away these freedoms with their anti abortion extremism. This November, we will be making it crystal clear to AANHPI, Black, and Latino voters that House Democrats are the only ones fighting to protect their rights.”


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