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Another Steel Donor Tied to Corruption As FBI Investigation in Anaheim Unfolds

Rep. Michelle Steel is under fire once again for her list of shady campaign donors. Last week, Steel was called out for accepting money from Chinese foreign agent and alleged sexual predator Steve Wynn. Last fall, Steel was roundly condemned for accepting donations from oil firms linked to a historic spill in her district. Now, another Steel donor is embroiled in controversy:

Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu, a campaign donor to Rep. Steel, is under FBI investigation for public corruption following a shady, multimillion dollar deal to sell Angel Stadium. Steel had previously endorsed Sidhu, calling him ‘the one candidate I trust to work for the people of Anaheim.’

Steel is no stranger to accusations of corruption herself. She once considered a wildly unpopular plan to expand private jet construction after receiving campaign donations from a private jet operator.

Steel also pushed a deal to allow a campaign donor to purchase Orange County public land for pennies on the dollar. Orange County residents demanded the deal be stopped.

DCCC Spokesperson Maddy Mundy

“Whether it’s her corrupt campaign donors or her own shady deals, Michelle Steel is never far from a scandal at the public’s expense. Orange County taxpayers deserve a representative who will finally look out for them – not the interests of crooked politicians.”


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