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Anthony D’Esposito Still Under Scrutiny for Potential Ethics, FEC Violations

After multiple campaign finance and ethics complaints by his constituents and End Citizens United, vulnerable New York Republican Anthony D’Esposito has still not been exonerated for allegedly misusing thousands in campaign funds.

As first reported by the Island 360, a NY-04 constituent alleged that D’Esposito has “subsidized more than $20,000 for his federal campaign committee” in addition to complaints that, after declaring his candidacy in 2022, D’Esposito spent local campaign funds “to help his federal campaign with a Washington post office box, ads, cellphones, office rent and $97,000 for a golf fundraiser to raise his profile.”

With six months to go before Election Day, Anthony D’Esposito is still under scrutiny for allegedly abusing tens of thousands in campaign funds.

DCCC Spokesperson Ellie Dougherty:
“Anthony D’Esposito has always been more interested in cozying up to the most extreme elements of his party, and if the allegations are true, he is clearly willing to play dirty to cling to power. He cannot be trusted to be an honest voice for Long Islanders, and his lies and rule bending will cost him his seat in November.”


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