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Anthony D’Esposito’s NYPD Disciplinary History Mysteriously Edited on Wikipedia

new report in New York Politico Playbook reveals a battle taking place over Anthony D’Esposito’s NYPD disciplinary history on his Wikipedia page.

Over the past several months, anonymous edits have been made to D’Esposito’s Wikipedia page to remove information about the vulnerable New York Republican receiving complaints of excessive force and having been reprimanded while with the NYPD.

D’Esposito isn’t the only vulnerable New York Republican to run into trouble on Wikipedia this year. Mike Lawler was banned from Wikipedia after editing his own page and criminally-indicted George Santos faced scrutiny after his own posts about his drag history on the site unveiled more lies.

In case you missed it: 

New York Politico Playbook: GOOD COP, BAD COP

  • “There’s a fight going on behind the scenes of Rep. Anthony D’Esposito’s Wikipedia page over whether the complaints he received as an NYPD officer should be included.”

  • “On May 30, an anonymous Wikipedia user edited the Long Island Republican’s page to remove references to his disciplinary history with the NYPD and add flattering details about his service on the Hempstead Town Board. Another editor removed it, flagging an ‘unexplained removal of content.’”

  • Similar edit battles have been going on since January, as some users included the number of arrests he made, while others added that D’Esposito violated the town ethics code. That one got deleted by another user for being ‘just basically opposition research.’”

  • “The disciplinary information remains on his page as of Thursday – in slightly inaccurate form. It says he ‘received four complaints of excessive force, for one of which it was recommended that charges be filed against him.’ Only one of the complaints was for excessive force, and the only substantiated one was for an improper search.”

  • “But he’s not the only New York freshman whose Wiki page has garnered interest. Rep. Mike Lawler was briefly banned for editing his own page. And Rep. George Santos’ denials he ever performed in drag were contradicted by his bragging about it in a personal Wikipedia bio.


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