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Anti-Abortion Extremist Gabe Evans Enters the Chat

Gabe Evans is jumping into the race for Colorado’s 8th Congressional District and bringing his extreme anti-abortion agenda with him. Evans supports banning abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest, putting him far out of step with Coloradans.

Evans joins fellow anti-abortion extremist Scott James in the Republican primary. James introduced a “Sanctity of Life” resolution before the Weld County Commission that argued fetuses were people under the Colorado constitution. He also called Colorado’s abortion protections “horrible.”

Reminder: Coloradans overwhelmingly support the right to choose.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
“This Republican primary is shaping up to be a race to the far right on abortion. Both Gabe Evans and Scott James are pushing extreme anti-abortion agendas that couldn’t be more out of touch with what Coloradans want. Make no mistake – either of these Republican candidates would be a guaranteed vote for a national abortion ban in Congress.”


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