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As Susan Wild Pushes for Bipartisan Bill to Protect IVF, Ryan Mackenzie Wipes Anti-Abortion Record from Website

Following Republican-led attacks on access to IVF services at the federal and state levels, Congresswoman Susan Wild introduced a new discharge petition yesterday to force a vote on her bill to codify IVF access nationwide.

Rep. Wild’s continued work protecting and expanding women and families’ fundamental freedom puts far-right Republican Ryan Mackenzie “on the spot” for his self-proclaimed “100% pro-life voting record” – which he recently scrubbed from his campaign website.

Mackenzie, whose voting record includes supporting an abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest, has been endorsed by anti-abortion and anti-IVF extremists like the PA Pro-Life Federation, “which has supported limiting emergency contraceptive access, criminalizing abortion medication, and opposing protections for IVF.”

DCCC Spokesperson Aidan Johnson:
“While Susan Wild continues fighting to protect all forms of reproductive rights, Ryan Mackenzie is busy trying to run from his harmful anti-abortion, anti-freedom record. Northeastern Pennsylvanians know they have an honest, effective representative in Rep. Wild – compared to Mackenzie’s history of deceiving Pennsylvania women – and that’s why they’ll reject Mackenzie’s extremism in favor of her pro-choice, pro-family agenda this November.”

PoliticsPA: Wild, House Democrats Launch IVF Discharge Petition
Steve Ulrich | July 24, 2024

  • In a long-shot effort, Rep. Susan Wild (R-07) launched a discharge petition on the Access to Family Building Act, in hopes of forcing the House to vote on a bill to codify the right to in vitro fertilization services nationwide.

  • Wild’s effort would put Republicans on the spot on an issue that has been particularly damaging to their party.

  • Republicans have done their best to avoid appearing anti-IVF after the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that froze access to IVF in the state. But GOP lawmakers have opted not to sign onto any Democratic-led discharge petitions this session, including one to protect access to contraception in June.

  • Mackenzie’s website used to tout his “100% pro-life voting record from the PA Pro-Life Federation.” The PA Pro-Life Federation has opposed “legal abortion” and a constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights in Pennsylvania. It’s also a state affiliate of National Right To Life, which has supported limiting emergency contraceptive access, criminalizing abortion medication, and opposing protections for IVF.

  • A request for comment from Mackenzie has received no response.

Read the full report here


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