North Texans deserve to know where Beth Van Duyne stands on the Texas Republican-led effort to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act
As coronavirus continues to rage in North Texas, voters deserve to know where Beth Van Duyne stands on Texas Republicans’ lawsuit to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act – including its protections for Texans with pre-existing conditions.
The Trump administration has joined with Texas Republicans to urge the Supreme Court to overturn the law, “pointedly arguing that the Affordable Care Act’s pre-existing condition rules must be overturned as well,” NBC News reported.
The lawsuit directly jeopardizes health coverage for the 361,000 TX-24 residents with a pre-existing condition, while a recent study found as many as 2 million Texans could lose their health insurance if the lawsuit succeeds.
“Amid a pandemic, Beth Van Duyne would let insurance companies discriminate against people when they get sick and jack up costs on Texans with pre-existing conditions,” DCCC spokesman Avery Jaffe said. “North Texas families deserve to know where Beth Van Duyne stands on the Texas Republican-led lawsuit to destroy the Affordable Care Act and the protections it provides to working families.”
Van Duyne’s record as a health care opponent is clear:
- She opposes the Affordable Care Act, saying it was “was enacted based on lies, kept afloat through misappropriation of funds, and has done profound damage to the healthcare of Americans.”
- She supports a plan that would let insurance companies discriminate against people when they get sick, including people with pre-existing conditions and older Americans
- She supports a taxpayer-funded giveaway to healthy and wealthy individuals.
- She cheered President Trump’s executive order “to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible.”
- She celebrated the 2017 tax bill repealing a key section of the Affordable Care Act, which the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says will lead to more expensive health insurance and 13 million more uninsured.
- She touted an endorsement from the same organization that asked the Supreme Court to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act in 2012 (NFIB v. Sebelius)
- She bragged about cutting health care benefits by $1.5 million as Mayor of Irving. [Fox Business Network, 12/18/12]