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BREAKING – Fresno Bee: Valadao Supports Trump in 2020, But Doesn’t Want to Talk About It…

David Valadao Endorsing Trump: “I think [Trump] deserves the support here in the Central Valley.”

Host: “Does he have yours?”

Valadao: “Yes.”

Failed former Congressman David Valadao has declared that Trump “deserves the support here in the Central Valley,” and that he’d be supporting him for reelection.

But instead of explaining to the voters why he supports Trump’s agenda, which would devastate the Central Valley by undermining health care for tens of thousands of CA-21 residents, Valadao declined to comment on his baffling choice.

Read more on Valadao’s endorsement of Trump and his agenda BELOW or HERE.

Fresno Bee: California Republican David Valadao didn’t support Trump in 2016 but does for 2020


A former California Republican congressman who declined to back President Donald Trump in 2016 and later lost his House seat is making a different bet in 2020.

Former Rep David Valadao, R-Hanford says he plans to vote for Trump this fall.

“I think he deserves the support here in the Central Valley,” Valadao, a Republican from Hanford, said on a radio show with host Trevor Carey. Carey asked if Trump had Valadao’s support, and he said yes.

That’s a change for Valadao, who in 2016 did not endorse Trump. “I’m not going to get into that,” he said in June 2016 when a local news station asked him who planned to support.


Valadao’s campaign declined McClatchy’s request for an interview on why Valadao had changed his mind. Instead, Andrew Renteria, Valadao’s campaign manager, sent a statement that only mentioned Trump’s policies on water.


Valadao in an ad released earlier this month also tried to highlight his work with Democrats during former President Barack Obama’s tenure, pointing out legislation he helped push through Congress on water for the Central Valley that was eventually signed by Obama.


Democrats have frequently touted Republicans voting with Trump 99% of the time as a campaign tactic against them.


Trump is unpopular in Valadao’s district — the district went to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by 16 points over Trump.


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