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BROKEN PROMISES: House Republicans to Remove Protections for People with Preexisting Conditions

In case you missed it, House Republicans are reportedly heading towards a morally bankrupt deal to save face after the humiliating defeat of their last repeal bill. Nearly every House Republican has guaranteed that any ACA replacement will maintain protections for Americans with preexisting conditions – ensuring that this deal will go down in infamy as one of the Republicans’ biggest broken promises.

Keep in mind that the last repeal bill would have resulted in 24 million losing insurance, higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs, and an age tax on folks over fifty years of age. This new bill would only make things worse.


“House Republicans have guaranteed repeatedly that Americans with preexisting conditions will be protected – and yet they are looking to push through a repeal bill that breaks that promise,” said DCCC Spokesman Tyler Law. “If vulnerable House Republicans pursue a morally bankrupt repeal bill that rips insurance away from 24 million, raises your costs, slaps an age tax on older folks, and now removes protections for preexisting conditions, they should all be prepared for their constituents to send them out to pasture.”

Keep in mind that fourteen vulnerable Republicans have already walked the plank in committee by voting yes on a repeal bill that only had 17% support. Additionally, many other vulnerable Republicans are on the record supporting the repeal bill despite the fact that it could break many promises that they’ve made to their constituents.

Promise upon promise about pre-existing conditions…

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