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The Case Against Cresent Hardy

“Steven Horsford is a proven community leader and advocate for working Nevadans. This is a Democratic seat, and primary voters have sent a clear signal that they want to continue to see progressive leaders representing them in Congress and fighting for their values.” – DCCC Chairman Ben Ray Luján

To: Interested Parties

From: Drew Godinich, DCCC Regional Press Secretary

Date: June 12, 2018

RE: The Case Against Cresent Hardy

Tea Party cheerleader Cresent Hardy, fresh off a loss in 2016 and a broken promise to not contest the seat again in 2018, is poised for another loss this November. With his top campaign aide embroiled in an ongoing campaign sex scandal, in a left-leaning district, and in a strong national environment for Democrats, Hardy is the wrong guy, running in the wrong district and in the wrong year.

In 2016, voters in the 4th Congressional District rejected Hardy’s far-right policy positions – slashing Social Security and Medicare, re-enacting Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and storing toxic nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, within spitting distance of Las Vegas. These are not the values that this diverse district wants in their leaders.

Meanwhile, Steven Horsford’s deep ties to the district, grassroots support, and strong fundraising put him in a commanding position to retake this seat this November. With his strong showing on Tuesday night, Horsford demonstrated that he is the clear choice of the grassroots in this district. Voters remember his deep record of service and commitment to working families, underlining his comprehensive win on primary night.

Democrats have the right candidate, right opponent, and clear momentum going into the fall. Steven Horsford is an enviable position headed into the general election, and Democrats are ready and able to defend this seat.


Cook Political Report: NV-04 is Likely Democratic [Cook Political Report, 4/06/2018]

HEADLINE: Hardy Campaign Adviser Fired After He Made Ex-Fiancee His ‘Slave’ [Roll Call, 04/05/2018]

HEADLINE: Campaign 2018: Dems continue keep registration edge [Las Vegas Review Journal, 06/01/2018]

“Former U.S. Rep. and 4th Congressional District candidate Cresent Hardy ruffled feathers by saying the military should bring back the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that banned openly gay people from serving.” [Las Vegas Review Journal, 04/16/2018]

“Pamela Horsford describes her son, a Democrat running for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, as a problem solver who has been stepping up to help the family since he was a child.” [Las Vegas Sun, 06/03/2018]

HEADLINE: Hardy accused of using campaign cash for personal expenses [AP, 03/13/2018]

HEADLINE: Nevada GOP congressman: My kids ‘will not be a drain on society’ like disabled children [Raw Story, 06/11/2015]

HEADLINE: Nevada candidate Horsford unveils prescription drug plan [Las Vegas Review Journal, 04/30/2018]

CRESENT HARDY: Far-Right Rubber Stamp, Scandal-Ridden

Paul Ryan’s Right-Hand Man in Washington

Hardy was a rubber stamp for the Republican agenda in Washington, DC, and he’s campaigned on the agenda that Republicans have enacted this Congress and Americans have widely rejected.

In his run for Congress and while serving there, Hardy voted multiple times against the Affordable Care Act, supported cuts to Medicare, backed increasing the Social Security retirement age, voted multiple times against DACA and DREAMers, and supported storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain. Since announcing his run this time around, Hardy railed against the Affordable Care Act and said the government shouldn’t be involved in health care and supported Paul Ryan’s attacks on Medicare and Social Security.

Campaign Scandals, Peddling in Hate

At a debate in April, he actually called for reinstating the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy for the military.Hardy has continually refused to address the disturbing behavior of Ben Sparks, Hardy’s campaign staffer who faces domestic battery charges after abusing and forcing his former fiancé into sex slavery. Instead of answering for these horrific charges, Hardy cut checks to Sparks’ employer.

Hardy has also failed to adequately answer for his potentially illegal use of campaign funds for personal purposes – including travel and hotel expenses in 2017 while also loudly proclaiming that he would not be running again.

Supports Skyrocketing Healthcare Premiums in Nevada, Jeopardizing Constituents’ Health Care

Due to Republicans’ actions in Washington, healthcare premiums are expected to increase by 15% in Nevada. Cresent Hardy also opposes the ACA and has voted repeatedly to repeal it. The Republicans’ repeal  bill would’ve gutted pre-existing condition protections and jeopardized health insurance for 34,600 people in NV-04. The Washington Republican healthcare ‘plan’ that Hardy has embraced would impose an age tax on seniors, destroy protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and did nothing to lower the price of prescription drugs.


Nevada’s 4th Congressional District is a diverse, Democratic seat that will remain in Democratic hands in 2018. Cresent Hardy’s hard-right policy positions are a poor fit for this district that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both won.

Democrats proved in 2016 that they know how to win this district against Cresent Hardy, and in 2018, the national environment and popular statewide Democrats only further favor Steven Horsford. Horsford’s comprehensive win on primary night underlined his deep grassroots ties that will propel him back to the House this fall.

In a district that is 16% African-American and 17% Hispanic by voting age population, Hardy will be unable to appeal to a wide coalition of voters beyond their typical base in order to win. Hardy’s record make this nearly an impossible hill to climb.

Meanwhile, Steven Horsford has shown that he is well-positioned to consolidate Democratic support in the district, and turnout on Tuesday night clearly showed that the Democrats have the clear momentum heading into the general election. Horsford’s powerful personal story, community ties, and deep grassroots support mean that Democrats are poised to hold this seat in the fall.

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