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CENTRAL VALLEY’S CHOICE: Fresno Bee Endorses Rudy Salas to Represent CA-22…While David Valadao Goes MIA

Fresno Bee: “Salas is much more in tune with the needs of the district, and The Bee Editorial Board recommends him….”

“Valadao remains true to the GOP platform, which is not going to be the most help to residents of the 22nd District.” 

Today, the Fresno Bee Editorial Board announced their endorsement of Democrat Rudy Salas to represent California’s 22nd District over David Valadao…who couldn’t be bothered to speak with the paper.

The difference between Valadao and Salas couldn’t be clearer. Valadao is unabashedly anti-choice, and Salas sponsored a constitutional amendment enshrining abortion rights. And while Valadao fought to allow Big Oil and Big Pharma’s price-gouging, Salas worked to protect the environment, improve his community’s access to clean drinking water, and make essential medicines more affordable.

The Bee Editorial Board says it best: “Salas’ priorities of health care, taking care of seniors and supporting farm workers, is well suited for the 22nd District.”

The Fresno Bee: Here is The Bee Editorial Board’s pick for who should represent District 22 in Congress
The Fresno Bee Editorial Board | February 9, 2024

  • While he has taken exception at times to what his party wants, Valadao generally votes along GOP lines. The current Congress reflects his tendencies. 

  • The GOP leadership is trying to find impeachable offenses committed by President Biden in relation to his son Hunter’s business dealings; Valdado voted to launch an investigation into impeaching the president. He also voted with most Republicans to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

  • Overall, Valadao remains true to the GOP platform, which is not going to be the most help to residents of the 22nd District. 

  • Salas is much more in tune with the needs of the district, and The Bee Editorial Board recommends him again, as it did two years ago. 

  • It should be noted that Valadao and Hurtado passed up invitations to interview with the Editorial Board. The board does not recommend candidates it has not interviewed. Salas, however, made time to discuss his candidacy via a virtual session. 

  • Salas, a Bakersfield-area native, served in the Assembly from 2012 to 2022. He then opted not to run for re-election and instead campaigned for Congress, and is doing so again.

  • He pointed out how he remains a strong supporter of a woman’s right to choose an abortion. Salas was one of the sponsors of Proposition 1, the amendment to the state Constitution that enshrines that right and which voters passed.

  • Valadao describes himself as pro-life.

  • Salas is a proponent of the Affordable Care Act and wants to protect it from cuts. A record number of Americans have enrolled under it, but Republican Donald Trump has said he will work to repeal the act if elected president.

  • On other issues, Salas:

    • Wants to expand access to generic drugs to control the costs of medication. He voted in favor of California making its own insulin to sell back to residents at lower prices than pharmaceutical companies.

    • Supports farm workers getting overtime pay and backs raising the minimum wage.

    • Backed a $7.5 billion water bond that will be used to construct new wells and piping to deliver fresh water to communities that have broken-down systems or contaminated supplies.

    • Pledges to protect Social Security from cuts or a raising of the age to receive benefits.

  • Democrats hope to retake control of the House of Representatives this year, and the 22nd District is one of the races that is targeted. The Sabato Crystal Ball political report, one of the most respected analysts, calls the 22nd a toss-up.

  • Salas’ priorities of health care, taking care of seniors and supporting farm workers is well suited for the 22nd District, a heavily agricultural area with significant poverty. Salas’ long tenure in state government equips him with the know-how of politics to do well in Congress.

  • The Bee Editorial Board recommends him for the House of Representatives.


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