GOP candidate Christian Castelli in NC-06 is under fire once again for deleting his anti-abortion stance from his website.
Initially reported by FOX 8, Castelli was unapologetic about wanting to ban abortion – at least, until he won the Republican nomination in NC-06. His campaign website used to have a section where he pledged to “protect the unborn from conception to birth,” but he deleted it in a desperate attempt to hide his extreme anti-abortion views from North Carolinians.
Unfortunately for him it’s too little, too fake. Today POLITICO, The Washington Post, and Vice News have all highlighted Castelli’s switch up:
Politico: Republicans fight abortion backlash with ads — and stealth website edits
The Washington Post: Noted: Democrats call out Republicans who are backtracking on abortion
“In North Carolina, four Republican congressional candidates who have strongly opposed abortion remain mum about the subject on their websites. Christian Castelli, who is running against Rep. Kathy E. Manning (D), removed his policy statement opposing abortion from his website.”
Vice News: Republicans Have Realized That Forcing People to Give Birth Is Wildly Unpopular
“Republican candidates, many of whom began their runs for office this year trying to out-extreme each other on their anti-abortion views, are very quickly discovering that those positions aren’t palatable to the overwhelming majority of their constitutents.”
“Christian Castelli, a House candidate in North Carolina, posted on his website before a contested primary in May that he would “protect the unborn from conception to birth,” according to Greensboro-based Fox 8. Castelli’s issues page now contains no mention of abortion.”