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Coffman attacks Presidential candidate he has vowed to support


Congressman Coffman has finally decided it’s time to attack Donald Trump (in a Tweet!). But his Twitter bomb conveniently leaves out the fact that Coffman has vowed to support Donald Trump if he is the nominee. As Trump would say: SAD!

This begs the question: why did Coffman refuse to denounce some of the vilest rhetoric in his own back yard?

  • Coffman refused to directly denounce his own local Republican Party when they Tweeted that “Abortionists and Planned Parenthood Shooter Are Just Two sides Of The Same Coin.”
  • Coffman wouldn’t call for Rep. JoAnn Windholz to apologize or resign (even though she represents a portion of the 6th District) after she blamed Planned Parenthood for the murder of a mother, veteran, and police officer. The Denver Post and Aurora Sentinel wrote appropriately scathing editorials about her comments.

“After failing to disavow Donald Trump’s disturbing attacks on war heroes, women, minorities, and the disabled, Congressman Coffman is apparently ready to take the bold step of directing his Twitter ire at Trump,” said DCCC Spokesman Tyler Law. “Will the Congressman actually take back his pledge to support Donald Trump or is this just more of his political double-speak?”



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