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Coffman & CLF Attacks Backfire Against Bronze Star Veteran Jason Crow

It’s been a bad week for Rep. Mike Coffman and his Republican attack dogs, the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF). Reports on how Speaker Ryan’s Super PAC was illegally given a former CIA officer’s security clearance information and distributed her Social Security Number cast serious doubts on Speaker Ryan’s Super PAC’s legitimacy.

Now, Colorado fact-checkers are reporting on CLF’s misleading claims about Bronze star combat veteran Jason Crow, who has led over 100 combat missions and served veterans in his community. Mike Coffman had a Twitter meltdown earlier this week that parroted the same CLF attacks on Crow’s service, ensuring that he won’t be able to escape any blowback.

Watch the CBS Denver fact check here calling CLF’s attack ad on Crow “misleading,” “false,” and “dishonest” and ends by saying “Bottom Line: Republicans know Jason Crow’s service with and for veterans is an asset so they’re attacking it. If this is the best they got, shame on them.”

DCCC Spokesperson Rachel Irwin released the following statement:

“Rep. Coffman’s attack dogs have lost all credibility with their shameful attacks on Bronze Star combat veteran Jason Crow. Coffman parroting the same attacks is an act of pure fear and a sign of how low he’s willing to go – even smearing a fellow veteran – to hang onto his seat in Washington.”


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