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Columnista del Miami Herald critica la respuesta “fallida” al COVID-19 del corruptito de Carlos Giménez

“Gracias al liderazgo insípido del alcalde, comenzamos la pandemia como el punto caliente de Florida, y seguimos siendo el principal culpable del aumento en casos confirmados en el estado”.

Mientras la pandemia de COVID-19 continúa amenazando y cobrando vidas en Miami Dade, el corruptito de Carlos continúa fallándole a los floridanos en su respuesta a la pandemia.

Un reciente artículo de opinión del Miami Herald expone cómo la falta de liderazgo; y el fracaso del corruptito de Carlos en el manejo de la pandemia llevó a Miami Dade a ser el “No. 1 culpable por el aumento de casos [COVID-19] confirmados en el estado”, diciendo: “El alcalde ha apresurado la entrada del condado a la ‘nueva normalidad’ del coronavirus, cediendo ante la presión política y pública de abrir demasiado pronto y haciéndolo sin la aplicación adecuada de las normas de seguridad”.

En un momento en que la gente de Miami Dade necesita ayuda y en medio de una crisis económica y de salud, el corruptito de Carlos está culpando a otros por su incompetencia y repitiendo los puntos de conversación de la administración de Trump que culpa cualquier aumento en los casos de COVID-19 al aumento de las pruebas y ha minimizado la amenaza del virus.

“La respuesta del corruptito de Carlos Giménez al COVID-19 se puede describir con una sola palabra: FRACASO“, dijo la portavoz de DCCC, Fabiola Rodríguez. “Ante la presión política, Giménez reabrió descuidadamente a Miami Dade, sin tomar las medidas adecuadas o sin considerar las ramificaciones peligrosas. Este virus continúa cobrándose vidas y no se detendrá a menos que personas como Giménez comiencen a tratarlo con la seriedad que requiere. La gente de Miami Dade merece algo mejor”.


Miami Herald: Miami-Dade mayor deserves an ‘I told you so’ for botched coronavirus opening

Puntos Clave:


  • The mayor has botched the county’s entry into the coronavirus “new normal,” buckling under political and public pressure to open too soon — and doing so without the proper enforcement of safety rules in place.
  • Now we’re back to daily record-setting numbers of people infected, soaring positive test rates (from 8 percent to 20 percent by his own account), increases in hospitalizations that are taxing hospitals and healthcare workers and a death toll that has surpassed 4,000 in Florida. Yes, I’m going to go there, Mr. Mayor: I told you so.
  • Thanks to the mayor’s wishy-washy, lackluster leadership, we started off the pandemic as Florida’s hot spot — and we’re still the No. 1 culprit for the state’s rise in confirmed cases.
  • Journalists are calling Gimenez to account, and not to give him free advertising as he runs for Congress, as some campaign operatives have boasted.
  • Five months into the pandemic, we are in a worse place than we were before reopening, making national headlines for being one of the 20-something states awash in red for rates of infection on coronavirus maps.
  • But anchor Stephanie Ruhle called his bluff when he began to blame the spike on everyone and everything but himself: Memorial Day Weekend, the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, “some openings” and young people being young people.”
  • It was laughable to hear him go on and on about people not wearing masks and violating the rules as if this were something new. It was happening in plain sight when he hastily opened the county — and repeatedly praised the people of Miami-Dade for following rules.
  • Ruhle pointed out what critics have been saying all along: There’s a lack of clear, consistent messaging, a lack of transparency about how decisions are made and faulty communication.
  • And, for good measure, Gimenez took a swipe at Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who rightly so, didn’t open businesses in the city of Miami when Gimenez lifted the lockdown on most businesses in the county, except construction, of course. Gimenez would never do that to his donor developer friends. No, he appoints the builders backing his congressional bid to serve as advisors to serve on his COVID working groups.
  • Like the president, who has endorsed Gimenez’s congressional bid for the seat held by U.S. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, the mayor downplayed the risk coronavirus posed early in the crisis and has then lagged behind at every stage of the disease’s progress.
  • And he’s now also behind on contact tracing, vital to slowing the continued surge of coronavirus cases. On that issue, he’s playing footsie with Gov. Ron DeSantis about who was supposed to do what.
  • DeSantis continues to fail Florida, no surprise there. But Miami-Dade’s predicament? That’s all on Carlos Gimenez, no star at all, on and off the screen.



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