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Crickets from Coffman on Trump’s SCOTUS Pick

It’s now been over a week since President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court and Rep. Mike Coffman has been noticeably silent. DCCC Spokesperson Rachel Irwin issued the following statement calling on Coffman to immediately clarify whether Roe v. Wade should be overturned and the constitutionality of protections for people with pre-existing conditions like asthma, cancer and diabetes:

“Coffman’s silence on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is telling given his own record against women’s healthcare. Coffman must immediately clarify his position on overturning Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose, and whether protections for people with pre-existing protections like cancer, asthma and diabetes are constitutional.

“Coloradans deserve to know where Mike Coffman stands on these critical, life-altering issues that impact their health and livelihoods, and a failure to speak out is further evidence that Coffman stands with the Republican party over what is right for his constituents.”

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