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Dan Crenshaw and Chip Roy Downplayed the Pandemic. Now Coronavirus is Spiking in Their Communities.

Texas Congressmen Dan Crenshaw and Chip Roy were the nation’s top coronavirus skeptics and chief cheerleaders for an early reopening.

Now Texas hospitals and doctors are raising alarm over COVID-19’s resurgence.

Texas Congressmen Dan Crenshaw and Chip Roy ought to be on their knees begging Texans for forgiveness.

As hospitals and doctors across Texas raise alarm bells over medical facilities approaching peak capacity, Crenshaw and Roy bear direct responsibility for advancing a dangerous political effort to downplay the threat of this deadly disease and a reckless approach to reopening the state while coronavirus loomed large.

Why did they do it? For politics, of course.

After comparing commonsense public health measures to “Nazi Germany,” Congressman Roy spent the last three months attempting to lead his own online movement to “Let America Open” with piddling support. Roy repeatedly called for Texas to drop all of its health guidelines in favor of full reopening with no restrictions as early as April. Today, he offered “no apologies” and pledged he’d “continue to fight to keep Texas open.”

As for Congressman Crenshaw, the coronavirus crisis completed his full transformation from independent thinker to partisan hack. After Crenshaw became one of the first Republican congressmen to walk the plank and praise President Trump’s unprepared pandemic response, the White House pointed to Crenshaw’s pandemic disinformation as a model for the party and Crenshaw was rewarded by Trump with a Camp David retreat.

“Texas doctors and hospitals are sounding the alarm over the spike of cases seen in communities like Houston and San Antonio thanks to the completely reckless policies advanced by Texas Republicans like Dan Crenshaw and Chip Roy,” DCCC Spokesman Avery Jaffe said. “For months, Crenshaw and Roy spread dangerous disinformation and rallied for a risky reopening of Texas’ economy. Now, Texans are paying the price for their utterly irresponsible actions.”


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