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David Schweikert Continues to Threaten Cuts to Social Security

Eighty-nine years after it was established, Social Security is bringing dignity and peace of mind to Arizonans

Eighty-nine years after Social Security was created, David Schweikert and his Republican colleagues are trying to cut Arizona seniors’ hard-earned benefits.

During this Congress, Schweikert and House Republicans have endorsed $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including raising the retirement age and cutting disability benefits.

Additionally, House Republicans on the Appropriations Committee voted to cut nearly half a billion dollars from the Social Security Administration, which would close field offices, extend wait times, and delay disability claims nationwide.

David Schweikert has not only openly called for cutting Social Security, he went so far as to say that not cutting Social Security and Medicare would lead to the “end of your Republic.” 

80% of voters oppose plans to cut Social Security benefits by raising the retirement age, and 81% oppose any cuts to retirement programs.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“David Schweikert won’t stand up for Arizona’s seniors because he is all in on House Republicans’ plans to cut Social Security and deny seniors their hard-earned benefits. Voters will make sure to reject Schweikert’s dangerous agenda.”


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