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David Valadao and John Duarte “Play Political Game with Mayorkas Impeachment”

Fresno Bee Editorial Board: “When it comes to principle vs. politics… History will give poor marks to Reps. David Valadao and John Duarte.

Vulnerable Republicans David Valadao and John Duarte are getting called out following their latest votes to waste taxpayers’ time with another sham impeachment just weeks before a potential government shutdown.

Instead of working to help Californians, the Fresno Bee Editorial Board writes the California Republicans were too busy thinking of personal “political considerations,” and have “lowered the bar for impeachment” for political points.

DCCC Spokesperson Dan Gottlieb: 
“At the direction of GOP extremists, David Valadao and John Duarte are once again perpetuating cynical political stunts to distract the public from the fact that they are doing nothing to secure the border or prevent a Republican-induced government shutdown. Their latest votes do nothing more than demonstrate to voters they would rather waste taxpayer dollars pandering to Donald Trump’s wishes than deliver for Californians.”

Fresno Bee: Two San Joaquin Valley lawmakers play political game with Mayorkas impeachment | Opinion
The Editorial Board | February 15, 2024

  • When it comes to principle vs. politics in the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock got it right. History will give poor marks to Reps. David Valadao and John Duarte. 

  • McClintock, like Valadao and Duarte, is running for re-election. But his seat is safely Republican, and he has easily won re-election in the most recent contests.

  • Valadao and Duarte, by contrast, are in races that national experts rate as toss-ups. Duarte’s election two years ago was the second-closest in the nation. 

  • Political considerations, then, were what drove Valadao and Duarte in their votes, though they don’t see it that way. 

  • The differences Republicans have with Biden and Democrats over immigration and the border are over policy. They are not treason, bribery or crimes.

  • Valadao and Duarte, however, have lowered the bar for impeachment into the realm of politics. They calculate they have to do it to maintain support of their Republican voters. But they will regret it when Democrats file articles of impeachment against a Cabinet secretary in a Republican administration for thinly veiled reasons.

  • Thanks to House Republicans, that day will surely come.


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