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DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney Congratulates Jamie McLeod-Skinner on OR-05 Primary Win

Jamie McLeod-Skinner has won the Democratic primary in Oregon’s Fifth Congressional District.

DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney released the following statement thanking Congressman Kurt Schrader for his service and congratulating McLeod-Skinner on her victory:

“I want to first thank Congressman Kurt Schrader for his years of service to the people of Oregon and to our country. Because of Congressman Schrader’s leadership, we were able to pass landmark legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs like insulin, address our climate crisis, and finally invest in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. He has always put the people of Oregon first – and was often the first person to reach across the aisle and try to bridge our partisan divides. I wish him the best in all his future endeavors.

“I also want to congratulate Jamie McLeod-Skinner on her victory in the Democratic primary tonight. She ran a strong campaign that showed the power of her grassroots organizing – something that will serve Democrats well this November. McLeod-Skinner will be a fierce advocate for Oregon workers, families, and the environment in Congress, and we look forward to working with her this cycle to keep this seat in Democratic hands.”


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