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DCCC Invites Schock Donation Recipients to Join in Repaying Taxpayers

Mike Bost, Carlos Curbelo, Rodney Davis, Bob Dold, Martha McSally, Lee Zeldin all accepted $10,000

Following the news yesterday that Congressman Aaron Schock (R- Downton Abbey) spent $10,053 taking at least 10 of his staffers for a weekend junket in New York City, the DCCC is inviting Republican recipients of $10,000 or more in campaign cash from Schock to join in repaying the taxpayer for Schock’s largess. If any one of these Congresspeople agree to send the $10,000 they received from Schock back to the taxpayers, the DCCC will kick in the final $53 to make the taxpayers whole.

“If any of these Republicans agree to give up the $10,000 they received from Congressman Aaron Schock, it will have two benefits: it will make the taxpayers whole and it will show their constituents that they will not stand for wasting taxpayer money. The DCCC would be happy to help these members send that message,” said Matt Thornton of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Source Recipient Amount Link
GOP Generation Y Fund Bost, Mike (R-IL) $10,000
GOP Generation Y Fund Curbelo, Carlos (R-FL) $10,000
GOP Generation Y Fund Davis, Rodney (R-IL) $10,000
GOP Generation Y Fund Dold, Bob (R-IL) $10,000
GOP Generation Y Fund McSally, Martha (R-AZ) $10,000
GOP Generation Y Fund Zeldin, Lee (R-NY) $10,000

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