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DCCC Launches Digital Ads Exposing Chip Roy’s Shameful Vote for Higher Taxes on Gold Star Families

The U.S. House passed the measure by a 417-3 vote. Roy was 1 of the 3.

Following a week where a bipartisan group of Congressman Chip Roy’s colleagues went on the record to call his Ted Cruz-esque tactics “worthless,” “juvenile,” “a waste of time” and “disgraceful,” today the DCCC is announcing a new targeted digital ad campaign exposing Roy’s mind-boggling act of political malpractice: voting for higher taxes on Gold Star families.

Roy has spent the past several weeks engaging in political grandstanding and cementing his reputation as an obstructionist, just like his dear old mentor Sen. Ted Cruz.

In addition to Roy’s shameful vote for higher taxes on Gold Star families, some of his other recent lowlights include:

The ads will reach thousands of voters in Texas’ 21st Congressional District on Facebook and Instagram.

See the ad here:

“Chip Roy is Ted Cruz’s apprentice in every sense of the word, embarrassing himself and his district with the same type of political grandstanding and obstructionism,” DCCC Spokesperson Avery Jaffe said. “Congressman Roy will have to live with his shameful vote for higher taxes on Gold Star families for the rest of his life, and the Texas families he hurt need to know that.”

Despite barely winning his 2018 election and starting the 2020 cycle with very obvious vulnerabilities, Roy has repeatedly put political games in Washington ahead of the needs of families in Texas.


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