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DCCC Launches Digital Ads Targeting Hypocritical New York Republicans For Protecting Serial Liar George Santos

DCCC continues to highlight vulnerable Republicans’ extremism to New Yorkers

Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched a new digital ad campaign targeting increasingly vulnerable Republicans Nick LaLota, Anthony D’Esposito, and Marc Molinaro, who all voted to shield indicted criminal George Santos in Congress, despite the fact they’ve each said they support Santos’ expulsion.

This campaign will be live through Memorial Day while New York Republicans are back home in their districts.

Over the next 17 months, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will continue to hold LaLota, D’Esposito, and Molinaro accountable to ensure New Yorkers from Long Island to Upstate know these Republicans’ empty rhetoric at home does not match their actions on Capitol Hill.

DCCC spokesperson Nebeyatt Betre:
“Nick LaLota, Anthony D’Esposito, and Marc Molinaro have all proven they are too weak to buck party leadership. Instead of following through on their word and expelling serial grifter and indicted criminal George Santos from Congress, they voted to protect him. New Yorkers deserve better than hypocritical representatives who put party over people, and the DCCC will continue to hold them accountable.”


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