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DCCC Raises $8.1 Million in October

With over $101 million raised year-to-date, the DCCC has surpassed past funds raised in a presidential cycle off-year

Today, the DCCC announced that it raised $8.1 million in October – breaking its previous record for funds raised year-to-date in a presidential off-year – thanks to Leader Hakeem Jeffries and the ongoing support of our unified Democratic Caucus.

“The contrast between Democrats and Republicans could not be more stark: extremism and chaos versus responsible leadership and getting things done,” said DCCC Chair Suzan DelBene. “United behind the Leadership of Hakeem Jeffries, we are on track to reclaim the majority and get our government back to work to lower costs for families, grow the middle class, and protect fundamental rights and freedoms.”

Over $2.6 million of October’s total was raised online, including nearly $1 million in the final week of the month, demonstrating the enthusiasm amongst the grassroots to retake the House majority. The DCCC ended October with more than $47 million cash-on-hand.


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