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DCCC Releases New TV Ad in OH-13: “Wrong”

The DCCC released a new TV ad in the race for Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, “Wrong,” highlighting the serious dangers of electing anti-choice extremist Madison Gesiotto Gilbert.

Gesiotto Gilbert eagerly supports extreme anti-choice legislation, including a state law that denied a 10 year-old rape victim in Ohio an abortion. Given her radical anti-choice stances, it’s clear Gesiotto Gilbert will work hand in hand with Washington Republicans to pass even more laws banning abortion, and would be a disaster for women and young girls in Northeast Ohio and across the nation.

The ad – the second to run in OH-13 from the DCCC IE – is airing in Cleveland beginning today.



We know it happened

A 10 year old girl in Ohio raped impregnated, then denied an abortion under state law.

But how could it happen in Ohio?

Because extremists like Madison Gesiotto Gilbert supported Ohio’s ban that criminalizes abortions even in cases of rape or incest.

She’s even backed by groups that want to outlaw birth control.

Madison Gesiotto Gilbert is wrong for Ohio.

D. C. C. C. is responsible for the content of this advertising.


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