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DCCC Releases New TV Ads in MI-08: “Believe” and “Unbelievable”

The DCCC released two new TV ads in the race for MI-08, “Believe” and “Unbelievable,” highlighting Paul Junge’s extreme, out-of-touch positions on abortion.

Paul Junge is an anti-abortion extremist and far out of step with mid-Michigan voters. He celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade and said Roe created “made-up rights.”  He even wants to ban abortion without exceptions for rape or incest. Paul Junge is too dangerous for mid-Michigan.

These ads are airing beginning today.






When Paul Junge says he supports outlawing abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Believe him.

When he says that he believes abortion is a “made up right”

Believe him.

And when Paul Junge’s extremist allies go all-in on a national abortion ban,

Criminalizing women and their doctors

It’s because they believe that they can control your body.

And that’s why Paul Junge is wrong for Michigan.


We can’t let extremist Paul Junge make decisions for Michigan women.

Junge wants abortions banned everywhere, starting right here in Michigan. With no exceptions for rape or incest.

He praised the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe versus Wade and said Roe gave us “made up rights”.

Paul Junge is not on our side.


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