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DCCC Statement on Conor Lamb Victory in PA-18

DCCC Chairman Ben Ray Luján released the following statement on Congressman-elect Conor Lamb’s victory in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District:

“I want to congratulate Conor Lamb and his team of grassroots supporters on an incredible victory. I’m excited to have Conor as a colleague and look forward to working with him on the critical issues facing our country.  From the start, Conor ran a strong race that focused on Western Pennsylvania values of toughness, hard work and service. He represents the very best of his community and our country, and he will be a huge asset in Congress.

“These results should terrify Republicans. Despite their home field advantage and the millions of dollars outside groups poured into this race, Republicans found that their attacks against Conor, including their unpopular tax scam, were not believable. Candidates and message matter and that was on full display in this election. We have incredible candidates with deep records of service running deep into the map this year, and it’s clear that these Republican attacks are not going to stick.

“House Republicans are eight months away from a midterm election with nothing to run on, facing dozens and dozens of candidates who are veterans, prosecutors and have similar records of service to our country and communities.There are more than one hundred districts more favorable for Democrats than this one and we look forward to competing hard in every single one.”

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