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DCCC Statement on Vulnerable Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer Endorsing Donald Trump

Today, vulnerable Oregon Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer – one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country – endorsed criminally-indicted former President Donald Trump.

In response, DCCC spokesperson Dan Gottlieb released the following statement:

“Lori Chavez-DeRemer’s endorsement of Donald Trump confirms what we already knew to be true: when push comes to shove, Chavez-DeRemer will always cave to the most dangerous, far-right MAGA influences.

“In Congress, Chavez-DeRemer has voted to restrict women’s reproductive freedoms, cut funding for veterans, and attempted to mislead Oregonians about her disastrous record. Through 13 months in office, she has consistently placed partisan far-right priorities ahead of bipartisan solutions – full stop.”

“This much is clear: Lori Chavez-DeRemer is one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country for good reason. With each passing day, she gives Oregonians more and more motive to vote her out this November.”


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