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Don Misses Six Out of Six Votes, Including Support for Alaskan Small Businesses

During this pandemic and economic crisis, it has become more and more clear that Alaska’s families can no longer afford Rep. Don Young’s ineffective Representation. Looking for proof? This week, the voters of Alaska awoke up to a headline that would alarm any tax-paying Alaska voter:

Alaska Public Media: Alaska’s Congressman Missed Votes Last Week. He Could’ve Voted Remotely But He Doesn’t Believe In It.

Young has missed one out of every eight votes over his career, including missing three votes critical to coronavirus relief for Alaska’s families and small businesses. And in the clearest example of Young’s absence of leadership was his missed a vote on a Department of Interior appropriations bill that included 30 million dollars for Alaska.

As many Alaskans wake up to get to work or to go find work this week, here is just some of the coverage voters saw on how Rep. Don Young has been putting to use their Federal tax dollars:

Let’s not forget the last time Alaska voters saw Don Young on their TV, he was making national news for embarrassing Alaskans by downplaying the severity of the virus to a group of Alaska’s seniors and calling the pandemic, “the beer virus.”

Statement from DCCC Spokesperson Andy Orellana:

“Clearly, Don Young isn’t showing up any more for Alaska and Alaskans are tired of hearing about it. They know the time is now to elect someone new; someone who will actually show up and deliver for Alaska’s families, especially right now.”




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